比如说 RT1 型的牙龈退缩,医生有信心让牙根表面完全被牙龈覆盖;但 RT2 型就没那么乐观了,因为相邻牙齿之间的附着组织缺失,往往只能实现部分覆盖;而 RT3 型呢,医生通常会采用游离龈移植(free gingival graft,FGG)的方法来让牙龈变得丰满一些,不过这时候 ...
Despite various methods, the bulk of evidence reported that the use of keratinized autogenous graft (i.e., free gingival grafts (FGG)), harvested from the patient’s palate, remained the gold standard ...
H yderabad: The Forum for Good Governance (FGG) has requested CM evanth Reddy to order an inquiry into irregularities in the implementation of the Rajiv Swagruha Scheme. The scheme, launched in ...