The World Famous Glenn Miller Orchestra plays 200 live dates a year around the globe to millions of fans. Led by Erik Stabnau ...
Queen of Soul, Aretha Franklin, played the tuba at school, which probably helped her breath control when singing. It’s no ...
Columbus' Famous Jazz Orchestra, led by Vaughn Wiester, will perform its final show at the Clintonville Woman's Club on Monday. The orchestra will take a short break while they search for a new ...
Use the tabs below to find out about each section of the orchestra, watch video clips, and read interviews with musicians. To play, the musician holds the long tube of the flute in both hands and ...
Columbus' Famous Jazz Orchestra, led by Vaughn Wiester, will perform its final show at the Clintonville Woman's Club on Monday. The orchestra will take a short break while they search for a new venue ...
(This story was updated to accurately reflect the most current information.) Columbus' Famous Jazz Orchestra will perform its final show at the Clintonville Woman's Club on Monday. The 22-piece ...
Use the tabs below to find out about each section of the orchestra, watch video clips, and read interviews with musicians. Who's that waving their hands at the front? A conductor does a lot more ...
Columbus' Famous Jazz Orchestra will perform its final show at the Clintonville Woman's Club on Monday. The 22-piece jazz orchestra, led by musician Vaughn Wiester, has been performing at the ...