Given below is an online color blind test to know whether you suffer from color vision deficiency or not. This Color vision testing is based on the Ishihara Test for color blindness. Color blindness ...
Given below is an online test for visual acuity using the E Chart, a chart with the letter 'E' in different directions (up, down, right and left) and sizes. This E chart visual acuity or eye vision ...
A test that looks at blood vessels in the back of the eye can predict a person’s risk of suffering a stroke, a study suggests ...
Soon, A Simple Eye Test May Help Detect COVID-19 An Israeli company has developed a device that may help detect Covid-19 disease by measuring the eye's tear film. A new study suggests that ...
After taking a medical history, your eye doc will likely start with a visual acuity test. I will often take a retinoscope, and I will shine the light beam into your retina and by seeing the ...
Plus, discount eye exam centers and online retailers can help you get the eye care you need without the expensive price tag. Multiple programs offer free or low cost eye exams and eyewear to ...
Optical illusions have become social media’s new obsession. Users are specifically taking time for optical illusions, which ...
Test Your Vision and Patience Optical illusions aren’t just about fun; they also serve as excellent exercises for your brain and vision. Studies have shown that solving visual puzzles like this ...