In a piece called The Chilling Consequences of Going Along With Trump, Russian exile M. Gessen outlines the five different types o ...
Where is it drawn from? How does it relate to what you are saying? How is it similar (or not) to your argument/to previous research? Only include "need to know" information (for example, author names ...
This page will help you understand what is needed to build a well-structured and convincing argument in your academic writing. Arguing is something that we are likely to engage in most days of our ...
This example explanation brings it all together ... As students we need to be aware of the potential theories and the arguments that both "support" and "challenge" them.
Consider three big examples: the evidence for cosmic design ... Each of these realities alone offers good reasons to take religious arguments seriously. Indeed, I think each on its own should ...
Be careful. Indicator words may lead you to a conclusion that is not necessarily the main point of the argument. For example, consider the following argument: "Don’t play with your pet turtle in ...
Logical arguments are simple chains of statements people make to explain something they believe or notice about themselves, other people or the world at large. For example: "I love to hike ...