A rare, well-preserved nest of six eggs was found ... was significantly different from other previously discovered egg ...
It represents the oldest known gravid frog, as no other fossil from this period has been found with eggs still inside. The rare preservation of soft tissues makes it even more remarkable ...
MIFUNE, Kumamoto Prefecture--Fossils excavated here about 20 years ago were confirmed to be dinosaur eggs, the first such findings in the Kyushu region, a museum said. They were the also first ...
Besides fossils, the exhibition also displayed dinosaur eggs. Recent advances in technology have allowed scientists to reconstruct the colour of some dinosaur eggs. A green Deinonychus egg caught ...
China has become the country with the most dinosaur fossil discovery sites in the world ... "For example, scans of fossilized dinosaur eggs allow scientists to observe embryonic development ...
Things like footprints, burrows, eggs and even poo (called ... The process by which a fossil is formed is called fossilisation. It’s very rare for living things to become fossilised.