What does ecology have to do with me? Ecology is the study of the relationships between living organisms, including humans, and their physical environment; it seeks to understand the vital connections ...
Ecologists also study how temperature influences the ecology and evolution of species. Organisms generally slow down or freeze when conditions are cold, but overheat and lose function as ...
As any textbook in ecology will note, ecology is the study of the distribution and abundance of living organisms and the relationships of organisms with their environments, which include other ...
“We were interested in bridging two subfields of ecology—organism ecology and biogeochemistry—in a way to make predictions about how food web structure can affect nutrient cycling,” first author Dror ...
The Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology in Jena investigates the role, diversity and characteristics of chemical signals which control the interactions between organisms and their environment.
The Program in Ecology and Evolution (PiEE) is an interdisciplinary doctoral program focusing on the scientific study of the relations between organisms and their environments. Research interests of ...
Ecology and evolutionary biology (EBIO) is the study of how organisms interact with and are formed by their environment. Students explore how organisms live and how they are constrained by ...
The Fierer Lab explores the distribution and roles of microscopic organisms in diverse environments and the relevance of microbes to the health and function of ecosystems, plants, and animals ...