InteraXon, the makers of the Muse wearable EEG, believe it’s made a big leap in scanning your brain’s health. It is launching ...
For millions worldwide, a brain injury or neurological disorder can strip away the basic ability to speak or communicate.
The Muse S Athena headband uses several sensors to collect brain activity data, and allows you to control a game with your ...
The first consumer wearable to combine EEG and fNIRS, tracking brain activity and blood flow for deeper cognitive insights ...
Cognixion's Axon-R headset is a device designed to read brain activity using EEG as a direct input for controls. Using brain responses as inputs, the tech is looking to give back communication to ...
InteraXon, the makers of the Muse wearable EEG, believe it’s made ... track how much oxygen is in your brain, the levels of which vary depending on its activity. The company claims the sensor ...
With NIH support, biomedical engineer Sri Sarma develops neurotechnologies to improve understanding and treatment of epilepsy ...
Epilepsy is a seizure disorder that is described by the International League Against Epilepsy as two unprovoked seizures that occur within 24 hours or one unprovoked seizure with a high risk of a ...
When you replace an older cell phone or TV with a new high-resolution device, the visuals can be strikingly different—all of ...
New study reveals brain aging accelerates at 44 and peaks at 67, with ketone supplements showing potential to slow age-related decline.
Compumedics has received a new order from Hangzhou Normal University (HZNU) in China for its Neuroscan Orion LifeSpan ...