# 每周一次司美格鲁肽治疗中国 2 型糖尿病的成本效益优势:长期与短期研究新发现 在当今社会,糖尿病已成为全球范围内的重大公共卫生挑战,严重威胁着人们的健康。特别是 2 型糖尿病,作为糖尿病中最为常见的类型,约占所有糖尿病病例的 90%。在中国,糖尿病患者数量更是高达 1.41 亿,其带来的经济负担也十分沉重,2021 年相关健康支出达 1653 ...
The 40-week SUSTAIN 7 trial investigated the efficacy and safety of 0.5 mg semaglutide compared with 0.75 dulaglutide and 1.0 mg semaglutide compared with 1.5 mg dulaglutide, when added to metformin.
Dulaglutide has been routed to NICE Centre for Guidelines where the topic will be considered for potential inclusion within the next review of NG18: Diabetes (type 1 and type 2) in children and young ...