Dukkha refers to the ‘suffering’ or ‘unsatisfactoriness’ of life. A person might temporarily fulfil their desires but suffering – whether physical, emotional or mental – cannot be avoided.
In our episode "Buddhist Blessings," we spoke with Katherine "Senshin" Griffith, head teacher at the Zen Center of Los Angeles, about dukkha. We often hear it translated as "suffering," and the First ...
All suffering is ultimately caused by these human urges. People might suffer because they cannot accept change (viparinama-dukkha) or because they have become attached to possessions or sensation ...
Q12: What are the Four Noble Truths of Buddhism?Answer: The Four Noble Truths explain suffering (dukkha), its cause (samudaya), cessation (nirodha), and the path (magga) to liberation. Q13 ...
We often hear it translated as "suffering," and the First Noble Truth of Buddhism is commonly stated as “Life is suffering.” But as Griffith explained, that translation is misleading.