This scarce and valuable product comes from a donkey. Donkey milk is the costliest on Earth. Prices can vary, but to give an idea, one company that sells it in the U.S. charges $169.99 for 400 ...
“Given its lower fat content, donkey milk is actually very similar to human milk and many parents find their children don’t have allergic reactions to it. Of course, anyone can drink i ...
Taste of love': Donkey milk cheese meets success in Albania "Donkey milk has the taste of love," said Fatiko Basha as she caressed her favourite, Liza, before collecting the animal's milk.
A veterinary doctor explained that donkey milk is used in Ayurveda to treat ... program has been initiated to monitor their diet and drinking patterns. Farmers can also purchase these donkeys ...
Making it requires more time and effort than most other cheeses. You need over 6 1/2 gallons of donkey's milk just to make 1 kilogram of cheese. That's 2 1/2 times more than what you need to make ...