Using 3D models of ancient skulls, Dinosaur Choir gets us closer than ever to understanding the noises that dinosaurs made.
You're first taken aback by its size; this is a 1:12 scale model of a real T-Rex ... which makes its apparent intricacy that much more impressive. I loved dinosaurs as a child, and whenever I visited ...
Can you find Dippy's nostrils? What feature does Diplodocus share with humans but few other dinosaurs? Rotate, zoom in and explore the features of this popular dinosaur. Dippy skull by NHM_Imaging on ...
Recent research from the University of Chicago and the University of Missouri shed new light on how the evolution of skull flexibility in dinosaurs led to the diverse array of modern birds we see ...
The skull, nicknamed Maximus, is estimated to garner between $15 and $20 million, placing it on the list of the most valuable fossils to be auctioned in history alongside iconic dinosaur skeletons ...
The process of scanning the pliosaur skull was similar to scanning one of the usual giant dinosaur skulls ... to 3D print the finalized computational model I made and even apply the correct ...
A cascade of changes from dinosaurs to birds When the team analyzed data from the 3D models, they saw that as brain and skull sizes increased in non-avian theropod dinosaurs, muscles shifted into ...
Stephen Poropat (left) and Phil Mannion examine the dinosaur skull. On the righthand-side of the composite image is an illustration of the dinosaur species Diamantinasaurus matildae. Source ...
Animation of a theropod dinosaur skull, showing muscle forces. Credit: Alec Wilken, Casey Holiday Modern birds, as well as other animals like snakes and fishes, have skulls with jaws and palates ...