If you spend a lot of time on your computer or phone or sit for prolonged periods during work hours or otherwise, odds are you’ve wondered about the effect on your posture. If so, you’re right ...
Here’s how to sort out your posture. If you’ve got poor posture and you decide to ... Balance your laptop on a book or position your screen at a different angle if it needs to be.
The new work life requires one to chase deadlines, desk jobs and prolonged screen time, which are now the norms, thus, poor posture risk ... creeping anxiety told a different story.
Poor posture doesn’t just affect your physical health, it can wreak havoc on your mind, too. Stylist examines the more serious side of slumping. Are both of your feet firmly on the floor?
If you frequently slouch or don’t sit up straight, you may develop posture problems. From aching backs to stiff necks, bad posture often ... who writes about different aspects of modern life ...