A high dietary nitrate intake has traditionally been linked with gastrointestinal cancer, but more published studies contradict than support this association. In humans, dietary nitrate (mostly ...
You may have seen headlines or social media posts talking about nitrates and nitrites in different types of food. Some information may be confusing or even scary.
Until recently the inorganic anions nitrate (NO 3 −) and nitrite (NO 2 −) were considered inert end products of nitric oxide (NO) metabolism and unfavorable dietary constituents.However, a new ...
We get most of our nitrates from vegetables, says Catherine Bondonno, senior research fellow in nutrition and health at Edith Cowan University in Australia. “The primary source of dietary ...
Nitrates are naturally occurring compounds formed from nitrogen and oxygen. Dietary nitrate is found in vegetables, particularly leafy green ones and beetroot. The go-to nitrate boost for many ...
"I always say green leafy vegetables - kale, bok choy, mustards, collards - because of dietary nitrates," he began. He went on to explain why dietary nitrates are important for heart health and ...
The BBC was describing a study from Professor Andy Jones' group: in his brief review for Part 27, he describes the link between supplementing the diet with nitrate-rich beetroot juice to enhance NO ...
Many vegetables, particularly green leafy vegetables and beetroot, are rich sources of dietary nitrate. Our recent research has shown that consuming this inorganic dietary nitrate results in more ...
Minister Martin Heydon has announced that the 2025 nitrates derogation applications can now be made through the Agfood system.