With the makings of a tariff war and heightened tensions between the United States and China, it’s uncertain what will happen ...
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Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping and his wife visit with U.S. President Jimmy ... As a result, his role in shaping China’s transformation has been almost entirely erased in China. During his time in power ...
Deng Xiaoping was appointed Secretary of the General Front-line Committee, which was to command both the Central Plains Field Army and the East China Field Army and to take charge of everything at ...
Greatly encouraged by these early results, the rehabilitated Deng Xiaoping, once Mao’s right-hand man and now the ‘paramount leader’, announces a new basic policy called ‘reform and opening’. China’s ...
As China commemorates the 120th anniversary of Deng Xiaoping's birth, the Post examines his legacy across generations. In the ...
China's astronomical growth is remarkably close ... honesty and openness heralded by Deng Xiaoping's rise to power in the final years of Chairman Mao Zedong. Deng's journeys abroad exposed him ...
In 1937 the Japanese imperialists launched a full-scale war of aggression against China. In the interest ... Army and marched to the front. Deng Xiaoping was appointed Deputy Director of the ...
Seven thousand miles away and an hour later, at 9 p.m. in Washington, President Donald Trump addressed both chambers of the U ...
On the surface, there is little that connects Xi Jinping’s PRC to that of Mao and Deng. But a closer examination ... of rule are four decades apart, and China has changed so much in the interim ...