New cases of alpha-gal syndrome — a rare but potentially life-threatening illness that makes people violently allergic to red ...
New cases of alpha-gal syndrome (AGS) have emerged in areas outside the habitat of the lone star tick, suggesting other tick ...
The group of blood-sucking parasites called ticks can spread pathogens like Lyme Disease, anaplasmosis and babesiosis.
Two Emerging Infectious Diseases studies link bites from black-legged (deer) and western black-legged ticks to potentially ...
This new evidence raises worries about the spread of AGS, particularly in regions like Long Island, where ticks are a growing ...
Both women reported being bitten by ticks, which suggests that other species — including Ixodes scapularis, also called black-legged or deer ticks — may also be associated with alpha-gal ...
Farmington Hills is set to consider a proposal from the Department of Natural Resources and the Southeast Michigan Urban Deer ...