The exceptional model mining method of data analysis, which looks for "exceptions" in data patterns, showed not only which specific brain areas responded to pleasant and unpleasant smells, it also ...
Welcome to the laboratory for database and data mining at Simon Fraser university. In today's information society, we witness an explosive growth of the amount of information becoming available in ...
Here, the authors analyse real world multi-omics data from 400 breast cancer patients and identify bifurcated evolutionary trajectories associated with ER independent resistance.
Predictive analytics, pattern recognition, and classification problems are not new. Long used in the financial services and insurance industries, predictive analytics is about using statistics, data ...
That is what I fear most. That is why I'll reluctantly, very reluctantly, trade off the government using data mining to look for suspicious patterns in phone numbers called and email addresses ...
This module starts with an overview of data mining methods, then focuses on frequent pattern analysis, including the Apriori algorithm and FP-growth algorithm for frequent itemset mining, as well as ...