Scientists from Scripps Institution of Oceanography descended thousands of meters where they likely discovered dozens of new animal species. Creatures flourish where methane gas seeps into the ocean ...
Professor Andrew Sweetman and his colleagues set out to measure seafloor respiration but instead stumbled upon a hidden ecosystem capable of producing oxygen. The most crucial ...
Languages: English. Deep-sea researchers have launched a groundbreaking project to investigate "dark oxygen"—a form of oxygen produced in total darkness on the ocean floor. The initiative ...
NASA’s Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) satellite documented more information about Earth’s enigmatic ocean floors in the first year of operation than previous satellites could in the last 30 ...
Whale carcasses take decades to fully decompose and can provide food for an entire ecosystem on the dark depths of the ocean floor. Dr Adrian Glover, a Museum expert in deep-sea biodiversity, sheds ...