From cirrus wisps to stratus blankets to cumulus puffs, clouds generally look lighter than air, unless there's a dark nimbus cloud dumping rain on you. With an understanding of how clouds are made ...
Various cloud types form due to a variety of meteorological and atmospheric conditions. Even though an innocent-looking cumulus cloud may look as light as a cotton ball, it can be heavier than you ...
If the physical calculations are done to include air molecules in the weight and reduce the limitations on the size of a cumulus cloud from the 1 km parameters, the numbers are even more staggering.
Clouds that look like cartoon cotton balls or cauliflower are made up of tiny liquid water droplets and are called cumulus clouds. Often, these are fair-weather clouds that form when the Sun warms ...
Clouds that look like cartoon cotton balls or cauliflower are made up of tiny liquid water droplets and are called cumulus clouds. Often, these are fair-weather clouds that form when the sun warms ...