The DVD might feel omnipresent to younger /Film readers, but one of the first films released on DVD is so recent, it had a ...
is offering to replace rotting discs produced between 2006 and 2008: Warner Bros. Home Entertainment is aware of potential issues affecting select DVD titles manufactured between 2006 – 2008 ...
now is a good time to dust off your DVD player and make sure they haven’t succumbed to disc rot. That’s because many of the discs produced by Warner Bros. Home Entertainment (WBHE) between ...
discs in their library. It turns out that hundreds of DVD titles manufactured by the ... including classic Hollywood movies ...
Movie fans with a lovingly curated DVD collection might want to check the condition of any Warner Bros. discs in their library. It turns out that hundreds of DVD titles manufactured by the ...
it doesn't seem like Blu-ray discs or HD-DVD are affected. JoBlo highlights some of Warner Bros.' portfolio, including its Looney Tunes Collections or its portfolio of 30s, 40s, and 50s Hollywood ...