正值2025年世界罕见病日之际,3月2日,由北京新阳光慈善基金会神母关爱专项基金特别发起“童梦奇愈记——‘为爱纳罕’海南博鳌依氟鸟氨酸(DFMO)先行先试项目启动暨神母医患交流公益活动”,在上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金海南医院(海南博鳌研究型医院)(以 ...
As of December 2023, DFMO won approval from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for high-risk neuroblastoma as a maintenance therapy, and former patient Will Lacey is now a healthy college ...
Over the past decade, the pharmaceutical industry has been steadily increasing its investment in lifestyle drugs (see next page). Although this effort is geared more toward capturing revenue from ...