研究亮点1.在循环肿瘤 DNA(ctDNA)指导下可以减少辅助化疗的使用,但不增加复发风险;2.ctDNA 指导治疗可以获得与标准治疗相似的总生存期(OS)结果,可有效取代传统治疗决策;3.与单药氟尿嘧啶类药物相比,奥沙利铂双药化疗的 ctDNA ...
皇家马斯登医院自2018年开始进行肿瘤NGS检测项目,每年的NGS检测量超过3万例,全自动化检测和人工智能已经渗透到分子检测的各个环节。在英国绝大多数患者的治疗方案都需要结合NGS检测结果和多学科团队(MDT)讨论来制定,但是NGS检测时间通常需要一 ...
为解决 I 期肿瘤药物临床试验问题,研究人员探索 ctDNA 应用,发现其可助力决策 ... 他们的研究成果发表在《Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research》杂志上,为肿瘤药物开发带来了新的曙光。 研究人员采用了多种关键技术方法。在检测肿瘤分数(TF)方面 ...
Dr. Debu Tripathy explains how ctDNA is used to in breast cancer detection and how it can also indicate the presence of MRD.
SPOT-MAS aims to improve this by providing a reliable, non-invasive, multi-cancer blood test. The test incorporates next-generation sequencing (NGS) and artificial intelligence technologies to detect ...
If detected early, cancer is much easier to treat. Emerging non-invasive tests can help early diagnosis. As diseases go, cancer is deadly. Its early detection, however, can make a huge difference to ...
Among patients with curatively resected early-stage biliary tract cancer (BTC), recent study findings from a real-world cohort trial revealed the value of circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) as a prognostic ...
A recent study has shown that analysis of ctDNA methylation can aid the early diagnosis of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) ...