极度未知(HyperX)Cloud Alpha Wireless 无线耳机最大的卖点在于其惊人的 300 小时续航能力,这不仅让极度未知旗下的其他无线耳机相形见绌,也远超许多竞品品牌。为了让大家有更直观的感受,极度未知的 Cloud Flight S ...
Even without customizing them through iCue, these rings felt like a monumental step up from the Corsair Virutuoso RGB Wireless headset, which instead opts for customizable Corsair logos.
IT之家 3 月 13 日消息,海盗船昨日宣布为旗下外设推出网页固件更新功能 CORSAIR Firmware Update Utility,用户可直接在 Web 端将产品固件升级至最新版本,无需下载独立的 iCUE 软件。海盗船表示这一 Web ...
Corsair: Save up to 50% with every peripheral purchase Now is the time to upgrade your gaming gear or buy that long sought ...
For those looking to save their pennies, the best budget wireless gaming headset is the Corsair HS55, which is lightweight and has great audio for the price. If you're a serious audiophile ...
I replaced my daily driver gaming keyboard with the Corsair K70 Pro TKL for two weeks. I played games from all different ...
Much like we have OpenRazer and Polychromatic for Razer devices on Linux, we also have the constantly updated community ...