Low-level clouds over the oceans, extensively studied for their role in climate change, are re-examined from a new perspective that applies machine learning to radar observations.
BENGALURU: It is not just winds and local convection that play a role in deciding the intensity rainfall, but also the ...
neglecting the changing water content of the cloud particles, which is small except in convection clouds). This method can be applied in cases of steady rising currents over a wide area (thirty ...
During spring and summer, we are more likely to get clouds that are born on rapidly rising thermals of moist air.
Often this convection reaches a couple of kilometers ... Air that rises far enough will experience condensation of water vapor into a cloud, which further heats the air by releasing latent heat.
Relatively hot days are predicted this weekend as the weather forecast for the weekend from Qatar Meteorology states that ...
The deep convective clouds during the Indian summer monsoon season have risen by around one kilometre over the past two decades triggering more extreme weather events, according to a study.