“Good drainage is essential when growing plants in containers,” says McConnell. “Water-logging can cause root rot in plants, particularly varieties that are sensitive to overwatering. This can harm ...
Next time you shop for groceries check the produce section for ginger root, spaghetti squash, whole pineapples, and Chayote ...
Most kitchens will have at least a couple of spuds knocking around, and no longer do we need ample garden space to grow our ...
All kinds of tasty fruit can be grown in containers in small spaces, from dwarf citrus to cherries, apples, pomegranates, ...
Forget spending lots of money on a shiny new planter; make do with what you have for a container garden that is truly unique.
Choosing the right container is key to the healthy growth of your sumac shrubs. Opt for a large pot with at least 18 inches ...
Growing a small kitchen garden is possible with the right plants, efficient use of space, and simple practices like container ...
A small kitchen garden can thrive with the right plants, efficient use of space, and simple practices like container ...