The Telegram has just spent a week in Washington and New York. He found veteran envoys reeling after America voted with ...
There's something electric in the air when the Los Angeles Dodgers take the field. The post “It’s Contagious!” – Shohei ...
Here's what causes bronchitis, how the illness usually spreads and how you can treat symptoms if it affects you or a loved ...
Measles is caused by a highly contagious virus that’s airborne and spreads easily when an infected person breathes, sneezes ...
One infected person can infect dozens of others. Stay informed to stay safe from the most contagious virus known to humans.
The measles virus is airborne and extremely contagious. Before the first measles vaccine became available in the 1960s, ...
More than 250 people infected with measles nationally, two deaths reported. Should you get a measles vaccine booster?
Ventura County public health officials also sent an alert this month to doctors regarding measles. It cites the national rise ...
A highly contagious disease is alarmingly on the rise in one US state. Cases of dysentery, also called shigellosis, are ...
The state Health Department found new cases of measles. Then, they found several locations where it could have spread.
A new measles outbreak in the United States has raised questions about the rates of vaccination in the community, with ...