Saravanan Thirumazhisai Prabhagaran is a Principal Architect with a rich experience in the Big Data and Cloud technologies.
Benoit Dageville and Thierry Cruanes reveal the journey that led to their data platform, their bet against Hadoop and why ...
AI projects stumble not because of flawed algorithms but because the underlying data pipelines are weak or chaotic.
With the advancement of AI-powered automation, real-time analytics, and cloud computing, a strong demand has surfaced for ...
Karan Alang is a big data pioneer and AI innovator with more than 24 years of transformational experience in computer science ...
With ongoing investments in AI infrastructure, China is set to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of artificial ...
Diversified, a leading global technology solutions provider, is introducing Atlas Orchestrate, a breakthrough platform that eliminates the complexity of cloud deployment by enabling organizations to ...
Guizhou's big data journey began with leveraging its natural advantages — a moderate climate, stable seismic conditions and ...
OMB’s Cloud First and Cloud Smart policies put a stake in the ground for how agencies can change the way they deliver services to citizens.
Companies in the EU are starting to look for ways to ditch Amazon, Google, and Microsoft cloud services amid fears of rising ...