Cite this: Could an Open-Source Clinical Trial Data-Management System Be What We Have All Been Looking for? - Medscape - Mar 01, 2008. "The Cathedral and Bazaar" by Eric S. Raymond (https ...
It’s 2024, and in most clinical trials, data is still being moved from the EHR to the EDC manually – with employees reading data from one screen and typing it onto another. How did we get here?
Recent research found a correlation between the upfront time to build and release a clinical database and its impact on downstream data management processes in conducting and completing trials.
We believe that an open-source approach to a truly designed-for-purpose data-management system for clinical trials is attractive. Such a system would save money by eliminating the reliance on the ...
The exploration seeks answers to long-standing problems and challenges: clinical trial data management, such as traceability of records, protocol violation, investigational drug management ...