在科技界的一场重磅变革中,谷歌的智能助手迎来了巅峰时刻。3月14日,谷歌公司宣布Classic Google Assistant将于2025年底在主流移动设备上正式退役,用户将逐步迁移至其全新AI助手——Gemini。这一决策,无疑标志着谷歌在语音助理领域迈出了重要一步,但也让不少用户感叹:曾经的经典,现在终将告别。
AI search tools are great for many forms of research and for finding simple answers to questions. But despite how good they ...
Google has announced that Gemini will replace Google Assistant on most Android phones later in 2025. The switch will impact ...
Google's Gemini assistant will officially replace the company's classic Google Assistant on most phones later this year.
we’re upgrading more users on mobile devices from Google Assistant to Gemini; and later this year, the classic Google Assistant will no longer be accessible on most mobile devices or available ...
Google has confirmed Google Assistant will be phased out on mobile in replacement for an AI-powered virtual assistant, Google ...