Telegram and Reddit were asked about the steps they were taking to combat child sexual abuse material on their services. They had to respond by May but Telegram submitted its response in October.
Notorious encrypted messaging app Telegram has been slapped with a nearly $1 million penalty over delays in responding to queries regarding any terrorist and child sexual exploitation content on ...
Australia's online safety regulator fined messaging platform Telegram about $640,000 on Monday for its delay in answering questions about measures the app took to prevent the spread of child abuse ...
SYDNEY: Australia's online watchdog said on Monday (Feb 24) it has fined Telegram more than US$600,000 for missing a deadline to reveal how it tackles "terrorist" and child sexual abuse content.
Telegram and Reddit were asked about the steps they were taking to combat child sexual abuse material on their services. They had to respond by May, but Telegram submitted its response in October.