Daily screen time boosts myopia risk by 21%, prompting experts to recommend limits for children during developmental periods ...
Every morning – shortly after checking my phone and shortly before brushing my teeth – I pull down my lower eyelids in turn ...
As the use of smartphones and other digital devices increases, more children are experiencing deteriorating vision.
Science X is a network of high quality websites with most complete and comprehensive daily coverage of the full sweep of ...
The average screen time has steadily increased over the last few years. From recognising early symptoms of digital eye strain ...
Bob Ruley is running Boston for Team Eye and Ear to support "treatments, cures, or options for children and adults with ...
Spending a lot of time outdoors may be the best way to prevent myopia, or delay its progression, but this isn't always practical. Now, research suggests that bringing the outside in may be a valid wor ...
The fight against myopia should be a natural part of this new approach. In addition, starting now, governments should explore ...
Paediatric ophthalmologist, Dr Katie Williams, discusses her research exploring factors associated with myopia ...
Myopes may undergo about –1 D of progression between the ages of 20 and 50 years, according to an analysis of three large ...
For years, heavy academic demands left Chinese students with little time for physical exercise. However, educational reforms ...