This strange white paste might not look like much, but it might help solve the sand shortage, while making the cement ...
Developing standards and increasing awareness among stakeholders is crucial. Reducing the proportion of cement paste in concrete is another strategy. Conventional concrete typically contains about ...
Youngblood and his team found that by increasing the heat of hydration, the chemically modified nanocellulose reacted to improve the behavior of cement paste in a variety of chemical reactions. “This ...
Click your choice to see results and speak your mind In conjunction with the bone-inspired cement paste, this breakthrough could be used to make eco-friendly houses and structures in the near future.
Carbonation can turn cement paste to a powder and make a surface porous. Depths can be as little as 1/32 nd to 1/8 th of an inch with extreme depths being as much as ¼ of an inch in thickness.