Diabetic ketoacidosis occurs when your body doesn’t make enough insulin to process the glucose in your blood. This leads to very high blood glucose levels, which can cause many complications.
Over time, though, it can cause noticeable symptoms, such as thirstiness and excessive urination. If the hyperglycemia isn’t properly treated, you can even develop DKA or HHS. Both of these ...
DKA is a diabetes complication in which the glucose and ketone blood levels get too high. The cause is an extreme lack of insulin. DKA also makes your blood too acidic, which can change how your ...
Diabetic ketoacidosis is a common severe complication of diabetes, which develops when the body can't produce enough insulin.
The mortality rate in children presenting with DKA is approximately 0.25–0.30%; the majority (57–87%), occurs in the setting of cerebral edema (CE). Neurological sequelae of DKA and ...
In addition, there is secondarily low sodium content with an elevated lipid fraction during DKA. It is recommended to calculate and monitor the corrected sodium level to encounter for the ...