VENICE — Last summer, while sweating my way through the Rialto fish market, I spotted a familiar sight from my North Carolina upbringing: Atlantic blue crabs, labeled “granchio blu.” ...
South Carolina is home to several different species of crab. The blue land crab, the stone crab, the Atlantic blue crab, the fiddler crab, and the Atlantic sand fiddler are just a few locals can ...
EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA (WNCT ... The goal of their plan is to rebuild the blue crab population over 10 years. If they were to move forward with this plan, fishermen say it would be detrimental ...
Overall, there have been declining trends in the blue crab stock, and N.C. Marine Fisheries officials said steps they’ve taken to reverse that are not working as intended and are not meeting ...
Due to these regulations, the horseshoe crab population in South Carolina is increasing and has been for the past 15 years. Understanding the vital role HSC's unique blue blood plays in the safe ...