Jonny Hanson offers practical ways to live in harmony and share landscapes with these magnificent neighbors and other animals with whom we experience love-hate relationships.
The authors add: "The recovery of wolves across human-dominated landscapes of Europe has been continuing during the past decade, with their population growing to over 21,500 individuals by 2022 -- a ...
Thirty years after their reintroduction in Yellowstone, wolves have proven their ecological worth, at least in the context of ...
Wolves went extinct in Ireland in the 17th century but there has recently been significant debate about whether they should ...
Wolf populations in Europe increased by nearly 60% in a decade, according to a study led by Cecilia Di Bernardi and Guillaume ...
Large carnivore populations are declining worldwide. However, in Europe, conservation policies have supported the recovery of wolves (Canis lupus) in recent decades. To understand current trends ...
Opening the Habitats Directive for wolves amendment could break the floodgates. Member states are urged to improve compensation bureaucracy.
and it struck agreements with some landowners to allow red wolves onto their property. But the case increased tensions, particularly with locals concerned that a federally regulated carnivore ...
Following years of flip-flopping by both the state and federal governments on the animals’ protection status, “wolves are at ...