Caribou is also the only species in the deer family where both male and female grow antlers, whereas female elk do not grow antlers. Both mammals have dense coats of fur that help them withstand ...
In addition, their fur acts like a life jacket to keep them afloat when swimming. Both male and female caribou have antlers. The male’s antlers can be huge and are considered the largest of any ...
The study shows caribou herds changed their migratory duration, distance or elevation over 35 years of radio tag tracking. Decades of data following the migratory patterns of endangered caribou ...
Caribou, called reindeer in Europe, are members of the deer family. "The species is iconic," says Dr. Marco Musiani, Ph.D., a professor at the University of Bologna and an adjunct professor at ...
Their territories range between 20 and 60 miles. BREEDING: Caribou are polygamous creatures with males defending up to 10 females with calves. Female caribou become sexually mature at three years of ...