Carbonic acid causes the acidity in fizzy drinks. This is used as a test for carbon dioxide. When carbon dioxide is bubbled through limewater the limewater changes from colourless to milky.
Carbon particles are present in many aspects of our daily lives. Soot, which consists of tiny carbon particles, is generated ...
Smaller ions in liquids with high saline contents can improve efficiency in the transformation of carbon dioxide into ...
Unraveling the chemical processes in soot particle filters reveals new ways to produce synthetic fuels.
A new technology promises to remove carbon from the atmosphere and prevent ocean acidification.
A research team has published a review summarizing synthetic design strategies for developing high-performance photocatalysts.
The Liquid Solar Alliance looks to reimagine the chemical industry by coupling electricity from solar energy with ...
Researchers at MIT have created a method to produce ammonia using subsurface heat, nitrogen-laced water and iron-rich rocks, ...
Scientists have developed a copper catalyst that can efficiently convert carbon dioxide into acetaldehyde, a key chemical used in manufacturing. The breakthrough offers a green alternative to ...
CO2 Lock/Cielo Carbon Solutions planning first tanker load of carbon dioxide to be injected into ground near Bobtail Lake ...