In recognition of outstanding service to Canada’s youth, Genevieve Allinson-Dwyer will receive the King Charles III ...
“I was inspired to join the air cadets by Mr. (Jim) Browne, one of my teachers. He holds the rank of captain with the cadets.
Recently, I had the pleasure of attending the Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps Agamemnon 95th annual review at the new HMCS Hunter building in Windsor. This advertisement has not loaded yet ...
The Canadian government is investing $397 million into the Canadian Coast Guard . Distributed over the next five years, the ...
Thai naval cadets are training with U.S. sailors and the United Nations Command-Rear this week during the Thai navy’s first ...
Narrator: These men and women are some of the newest members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police ... referred to as the Red Serge. Each cadet gets fitted for their tunic about halfway through ...
Cadets from the 531 Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron participated in an effective speaking competition this week. On March 4 ...
The BC Cadet Honour Band will be performing at the Vernon and District Performing Arts Centre later this month.
Canada’s Cadet Program is one of the largest youth programs in the county, and in our Scarborough communities of West Rouge, Centennial, Highland Creek, West Hill and Guildwood our cadet corps is the ...
Now entering its 75th year of training the youth of Etobicoke, the 142 Mimico “Determination” Squadron Royal Canadian Air Cadets are back for another exciting, busy and active training year. Are you ...