Vast ceremonial spaces, a presidential palace and the largest mosque in Africa have been captured in these photographs of ...
The project promises to be the biggest economic stimulus for the country in decades.
A controversial new Egyptian capital city is being built 30 miles east of Cairo at the expense of $45bn. "Sprawled" across a patch of desert four times the size of Washington, DC, the "showy new ...
This stunning seaside city is the largest city on the Mediterranean coast and once stood as Egypt's capital city for almost a ...
A Journey Through the Stories of Stones] and Khitat Al-Qahera – Maqalat fi al-tatawur al-omrani [Cairo Maps: Articles on ...
Rotman's absence at the palace in the Egyptian capital on Wednesday also marked 46 years since the Egypt–Israel peace treaty ...
This new headquarters represents a significant milestone, reflecting our comprehensive vision and placing our employees at the core of our mission: official ...