A cup of milk tea is all we want to kickstart our day. And, we all have our favourite recipes for making milk tea. Some use the usual sugar, milk, tea powder, and water, while many customize it by ...
Black tea is one of the most widely consumed beverages, with compounds that potentially provide health benefits.
In a new recommendation on kids' beverage consumption, a group of experts advised that kids ages 5 to 18 should not have ...
Bloating after tea can be caused owing to several factors Learn why this happens and how adjusting your tea preparation and making minor change can reduce discomfort ...
Chai tea is a spiced drink that originated in India and is now a fixture on many coffeehouse menus. The name is a bit of a ...
You may be surprised to find that rich and creamy hot chocolate actually has caffeine in it. But how much is there really, ...
A study has found that green-tea drinkers have a lower risk of dementia, but it has more to offer than just cognitive ...
New research released by the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Heart Association, and other prominent healthcare organizations suggests that children ages 18 and younger stick to milk and ...
We like to serve our milk tea in a thick tea cup to retain maximum flavour, smoothness and colour.” According to a test of different caffeine-containing beverages by Hong Kong’s Centre for ...
Higher levels of caffeine Black coffee tops tea when it comes to providing a quick energy boost. While a standard cup of black coffee contains about 95 milligrams of caffeine, a cup of black tea ...
Kids between 5-8 should drink 2-5 cups of water and 2.5 cups of milk a day. Kids 9-13 should have 2.75-7.6 cups of water and ...
Warm up with a hot cup of tea! It’s Carnival Week! Bring along a thermos of tea. And after coming in from wintery fun, sip ...