Caesarean sections (CS) are on the rise globally and worldwide one in five women deliver by CS. This trend includes increased in-labour and full dilatation caesarean section. In the UK, ...
Cesarean section is warranted when vaginal birth is unfeasible owing to medical issues such as labour dystocia, fetal ...
Doctors have raised concerns about the very high rate of repeat caesarean sections in one of the country’s regional maternity ...
The gynaecologists further noted that such deliveries posed risks of head compression and low oxygen supply and intake, ...
What is a VBAC delivery? A VBAC is when you give birth vaginally after having a c-section in the past. Up to 8 in 10 women successfully have a VBAC, especially if their first caesarean was for a ...
According to the NHS website, around 1 in 4 pregnant women give birth by caesarean section. But understandably, prospective parents will have lots of questions around the procedure. Can you choose ...
Objective This study aimed to assess the length of hospital stay after caesarean delivery and the associated factors from 15 March to 15 May 2021. Design We conducted an institution-based, ...