Advancements in multi-detector computed tomography scanning speeds made upright CT scans a possibility ... in which the bladder drops from the pelvis, or hernias in which the small intestine ...
Belly and pelvis: 20 mSv, equal to about 7 years of background radiation Head: 4 mSv, equal to about 16 months of background radiation For most people, a CT scan doesn’t seem to boost the risk ...
Peritoneal tuberculosis (TB) is a form of extrapulmonary TB that primarily affects areas such as the omentum, liver, ...
First CE marked IA algorithm for automatic detection of bone lesions onCT scan The first CE-marked IA for the detection of ...
For many examinations such as CT of the head (including dental CT scans), chest and limbs, where the pelvic region is not in the direct beam, the dose to the unborn child can be very low. Doctors may ...