在构建质粒时,通过标准分子克隆技术,对质粒进行改造和构建,以筛选保护 Cre-loxP 单质粒的 DNA 元件 。在基因修饰方面,对于转基因蝾螈,采用 I-SceI 技术,将质粒 DNA 和 I-SceI 注入蝾螈受精卵;对于小鼠,则运用 CRISPR-Cas9 敲入(KI)技术,将构建好的质粒载体 ...
Cre-Controlled CRISPR mutagenesis at work. Left: wild-type sibling with black pigment in melanocytes along the body and in the developing eye. Right: tissue-specific gene inactivation resulting in ...
(REUTERS) British scientists are testing cutting edge gene editing techniques in mice, by inserting a jelly fish gene that makes their skin green. The research uses CRISPR-Cas9, a gene editing ...
The cerebella from c-kit IRES-Cre mice injected with Cre-reporter virus at PND (pups shortly after birth) 0 or PND 64. Tissue was prepared from animals 27 and 14 days after injection ...
Scientists have used CRISPR technology to edit out a lung-disease–causing gene while mice were in utero, rescuing the function of the lung and not affecting other organs, they reported on Wednesday ...
Tel Aviv University researchers used CRISPR to cut the SOX2 gene from head and neck cancer cells, eliminating 50% of tumors in mice. The study, published in Advanced Science, highlights CRISPR’s ...