Somehow [hvde] wound up with a CB radio that does AM and SSB on the 11 meter band. The problem was that the radio isn’t legal where he lives. So he decided to change the radio over to work on ...
There was a time when one of the perks of having a ham radio in your car (or on your belt ... So he offered the “PocketCom CB” which was billed as the “world’s smallest citizens band ...
Police 10-codes came about due to a need for brevity and comprehension on cluttered radio bands and were quickly adopted ...
(Citizen's Band radio) The frequency band of 40 channels for public radio transmission in the 27 MHz band. Introduced in 1945, primarily for farmers and the Coast Guard, CB radio initially ...
If you've ever heard a trucker say "Breaker Breaker 1-9" in TV shows or films, there's a reason based in reality. Here's what the phrase means.
However, many truckers still turn to their trusty old CB radio when they need some friendly conversation, or if they want to touch base with fellow drivers about potential issues awaiting them on ...