凯越基于通用汽车全球平台。它的外型出自全球三大汽车设计公司之一、拥有73年设计史的意大利Pininfarina(皮尼法里纳)。这家公司设计法拉利整整50年,与通用的合作也可以追溯到1931年,它堪称融合艺术与科技最高造诣的世界级大师。世界级造型的魅力何以能如此直锥心底?笔者有幸在日内瓦采访到其负责造型设计的首席执行官Mr. Ramaciotti。由CEO亲自领衔,这款全新中级车的设计主题一开始就站 ...
The existing Excelle is only sold in China, but now that General Motors has decided that Buick will be one of its four core brands in the U.S. market, it seems likely that it could come over as ...
The car is currently known as the Chevrolet Lacetti in Europe, the Holden Viva in Australia, the Suzuki Forenza in the U.S. and the Buick Excelle in China. The Chinese have a thing for Buicks ...