您是否经历过这样的场景:起床、翻身或低头时突然“天旋地转”,甚至恶心呕吐,但静躺片刻后症状又迅速消失?这可能是内耳中的“耳石”在作怪!近年来,被称为“良性阵发性位置性眩晕(BPPV)”的耳石症发病率逐年攀升,且呈现年轻化趋势。本文结合最新医学研究,为 ...
别看病因简单,可发作起来却严重影响患者的生活质量。目前,BPPV 的诊断主要依靠激发试验,像用于诊断后半规管 BPPV 的 Dix - Hallpike 试验,以及诊断水平半规管 BPPV 的仰卧翻滚试验。治疗则多采用耳石复位手法,比如针对后半规管 BPPV 的 Epley 手法和针对水平 ...
The following is a summary of “Effect of different maneuvers of repositioning on benign paroxysmal vertigo: a network ...
Researchers have found in a new trial that the head-shaking maneuver was effective in treating posterior canal ...
Verywell Health on MSN1 个月
Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV)
BPPV is usually accompanied by nystagmus, a subtle "jumping" of the eyes which can sometimes be seen with a diagnostic test called the Dix-Hallpike maneuver. A test called electronystagmography ...
The authors concluded that the Dix-Hallpike is mandatory for all patients complaining of dizziness or vertigo. Had it been performed in the primary care or long-term care setting, unnecessary work ...
That off-balance feeling can be fun in small doses, but if it occurs randomly, it may indicate benign paroxysmal positional ...
The Dix-Hallpike revealed positive horizontal nystagmus toward the left that disappeared when tried again. This finding with history of intermittent positional vertigo confirmed a diagnosis of ...