When Confucius said, “Silence is a true friend who never betrays,” he never foresaw the emergence of Art the Clown. The silent clown is not a friend but a deranged, killer clown portrayed by ...
Terrifier 3 continued the blood, gore, and bloody slasher adventure of Art the Clown, and now he can come to your home. Mezco Toyz has just unveiled a new Living Dead Dolls release with Terrifier ...
There are exceptions, of course, like the successful “Fear Street” trilogy based on R.L. Stine’s YA book series, and now Eli Craig’s “Clown in a Cornfield.” Written by Craig and Carter ...
Their fresh start is disrupted, however, when the town's mascot Frendo the Clown begins to wreak bloody havoc on its residents. "#ClownInACornfield was fucking spectacular!" tweeted one viewer.