Having diabetes has serious consequences for health and is associated with increased risk of developing diseases related to damage to the heart (heart attacks), blood vessels (strokes, foot ulcers), ...
An estimated 1 in 10 people worldwide have diabetes. Africa is the region with the fastest growth and it's estimated that the number of people on the continent with diabetes will more than double in ...
During the game, Spain's Euro 2024 hero Yamal played through the pain barrier after suffering a gruesome, bloody foot. Las ...
A bump on the top of the foot may appear if a person injures their foot. Injuries can cause temporary swelling. However, if there is no obvious cause, a bump on the top of the foot could be a ...
Leopold, 24, was attempting to get his foot up to control a ball when ... Leopold was able to return to the field with some blood coming from the injury, but far less than before.
which saw him end up with a bloody foot, which he shared online: Yamal might have been affected by the rough treatment, but he still picked up an assist on the day. However, his injuries have ...