If it wasn’t for a hidden herd in the deepest reaches of this National Park, bison would have been wiped out in the late 1800s. Today, thousands of them thrive.
A bison feeds in a forest during winter in Nalibokskaya Forest Reserve ... RTR3CBUH Eilís Quinn is an award-winning journalist and manages Radio Canada International’s Eye on the Arctic news ...
Four men from Blackfeet Nation pull up in trailers prepared with hay, ready to transfer the bison to their new home over 700 ...
As the state of Montana’s lawsuit over Yellowstone National Park’s bison management plan creeps forward in court, 260 animals have been shipped to slaughter so far this winter and another 86 ...
Bison Haven Prince Albert is notable for the bison herd that roams along its southwestern border, the only free-range herd of wild plains bison in Canada ... Freeze-up and winter arrives quickly ...
Plains bison numbers, which were once nearly driven to extinction, are on the rise across the United States and Canada ... to seep into the ground, and in winter they plow highways in the snow ...
Wood Buffalo is Canada ... and bison that sometimes lumber across the highway. The park office in Fort Chipewyan is only accessible by air or water, except for a few months every winter when ...