After the Dobbs decision, births rose in states with bans, but more for some women than others.
While home birth may be a viable option for some diabetic women, Irfan mentioned that it's important to consider the severity ...
Young American women are greeting the prospect of pregnancy with a decided “meh,” driving down U.S. fertility rates, ...
Explore the key historical events and notable personalities associated with March 13. From political milestones to cultural ...
In the recent years, the UAE has brought about significant changes to its legal provisions regarding relationships between ...
At a time when the number of teens having babies in the Mountain State remains higher than the national average, maternal and ...
Vatican City, the world's smallest country, hasn't seen a birth in 96 years due to its unique population of celibate clergy ...
A legal practitioner arrested in connection with the investigation into the fraudulent registration of non-citizen births is ...