Research suggests that early macropodoids likely adopted a bounding gait before transitioning to bipedal hopping. Small ...
O ne of the most fascinating periods in the evolution of the human lineage is the appearance of the first ancestors capable of bipedalism. Knowing the type of locomotion used by many fossil ...
The earliest human ancestors weren't big meat eaters, according to new scientific research on their fossilized remains. Australopithecus africanus-a bipedal primate that lived between 3.2 and 2 ...
Archaeologists have discovered a collection of prehistoric animal bones in Tanzania that suggests early humans figured out how to transfer tool-making techniques "from stone to bone" 1.5 million years ...
An assemblage of tools found in Tanzania that was fashioned about 1.5 million years ago from the limb bones of elephants and hippos reveals what scientists are calling a technological breakthrough for ...
Scientists stalking a small marsupial through a remote Australian rainforest say they may have found a clue to the mystery of ...